Kids Holiday Program
We have a saying at Two Sheds Woodwork for Kids. “Is it SCHMICKEE-DOO?”
Meaning – is a piece of wood you’ve been working on as smooth as good as it can be? Or does it need more focus and more effort? Schmickee-doo can only be seen with your fingers. To feel Schmickee-doo is a wonderful thing! We work to inspire Schmickee-doo at Two Sheds.
Kid’s ask each other “Do you think this is Schmickee-doo yet?”
They all know what Schmickee-doo is but they also know that it is a relative thing. It’s different for every kid depending on who they are & their woodwork journey. It is an encompassing term and an individual one.
Have you worked hard enough to be as good as you can be?
By striving for one’s own Schmickee-doo everyone learns & practices to keep going when you are tired, to keep trying when you just want to give up, and all the while heading for the inevitable satisfaction that making something cool with your hands and with tools gives us. The class itself becomes Schmickee-doo. Kids become part of a Schmickee-doo team.
In our kids woodwork program we guide, encourage & foster Schmickee-doo. In woodwork classes, at Two Sheds, kids don’t just learn woodworking skills & to use tools although that definitely happens. And for sure they learn to be proud of their work and to help and encourage each other and to let their imaginations fly & to build cool things with wood.
But most of all they learn resilience, perseverance, and to harness their willpower.
And to be Schmickee-doo – the best versions of themselves.

Active & Creative Kids
We are a registered NSW Active & Creative Kids provider. This means you can use your Creative Kids Vouchers towards any of our workshops. If you live anywhere in NSW and have school aged children you can get the Creative Kids Vouchers and use them with us.
Once you have your voucher, you can claim the $100 discount in the class booking process.

Schmickee-doo Woodwork
Project & Tool Kits

Schmickee-doo Woodwork for Kids has come directly out of our Two Sheds Workshop Woodwork for Kids in-house program.
From the comfort of wherever you are you can access the awesome tried and proven kid’s projects, the tools we use in the workshop, our teaching woodwork to kid’s knowledge and 10 years of experience, and all the encouragement and enthusiasm we can muster into our project kits and online video platform. We mail our project kits, written instructions & tool kits to you. Then we send you links to our how to videos that are made for the kids to watch as they build.